The New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) is an economic and social catalyst for the province, creating value for its primary stakeholders: students, communities, industry, governments, and taxpayers. NBCC wanted to quantify its current and future impacts, including ROI for government investment and labour market contributions.
Stiletto leveraged its proprietary model for measuring social impact and worked with NBCC to identify its Sustainable Development Goal priority areas. Stiletto developed evidence-based economic modelling to generate specific current and future social impacts.
The economic and social impact report has supported NBCC’s strategic implementation moving forward. NBCC has launched the assessment and has seen significant progress.
The ‘NBCC Economic Impact Report,’ released in 2021, clearly demonstrates the college’s multifaceted impacts and makes a strong, clear case for ongoing taxpayer investment. The college has incorporated various components and recommendations from the social impact assessment exercise into its corporate strategic plan with both short-term and long-term targets included.